Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Poll on content

I've created sections on that aggregate information on a dozen topics and 23 cities. In case you don't know, each of these takes information from blogs, podcasts and news sources, pools them all together and updates regularly so that the most recent information shows up. All of them can be subscribed to for free via email or feed reader.

While the blog does a fair amount of traffic, most of these do very little traffic and have few subscribers. Since it takes some time and effort to keep these going I'm wondering why people are not using them (so I know whether I should go to the trouble of keeping them up.)

1 comment:

Dwight Williams said...

Seems like a mix of reasons thus far(at 9 votes to date).

Thanks for the reminder about the feeds' existence, in any case. I do need to check'em out more often.