Thursday, December 07, 2006

Catching on

First let me thank everyone who's already introduced themselves and those who are about to. I'm glad that everyone is jumping on and excited about this.

Someond posted this today and I thought I'd share. Even though it's a commercial for Dove it's enlightening in one aspect - I don't think the cosmetic companies are catching on, but they are catching on to the fact that others are catching on and think it's best to play along...

The myth of Beauty

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wcdixon said...

Very cool ad.

Not sure who this group is and why exactly I'm linked up on the side, but thanks.

CpBurrowes said...

See, this group blog site has already payed off for me. I was actually taken in by this Dove commercial thinking Dove might actually be a company that is doing the right thing but knowing the Axe commercials are theirs as well paints a better picture.

No wonder our perception of the world is distorted.

Justin Beach said...

But, I think that Dove may be doing the right thing for the wrong reason. This add is obviously part of their marketing strategy but - the better this add works, the more effective it is, the more it may ultimately hurt them. I still am happy with the idea that they are being forced, by social pressures, to do things that are not in their best interest.