Saturday, September 13, 2008

Vote Swap Group Investigated By Elections Canada

According to the CBC Elections Canada is now investigating the Facebook Group Anti-Harper Vote Swap Canada.
"Chief electoral officer Marc Mayrand said Friday that Elections Canada is looking into the scheme.
In an interview with Canadian Press, Mayrand said it may be nothing more than "organized strategic voting," but it could also fall afoul of a law prohibiting people from selling votes or accepting bribes for them."
To me this smacks of another Conservative blunder. Surely only the conservatives could have called for this investigation, since they have no one to swap votes with and are the only one with anything to lost. However, by calling attention to the group they have provided publicity for it and increased it's numbers.

As for the investigation itself there is absolutely no way that they can find any wrongdoing. There is no money changing hands, and this can hardly be construed as a 'bribe'. The people in this group are doing nothing that politicians across Canada and around the world don't do on a regular basis.

When politicians swap votes it is generally for something larger: They agree to vote for a bill in exchange for a vote on a different bill, they agree to support a bill if it includes an amendment that benefits them or their constituents, they agree to support a candidate in exchange for some reward down the road if that candidate is successful. This is simply how the game of politics is played.

The individuals looking to swap votes aren't getting anything nearly as grand in their deals. They are not getting funds set aside for their riding. They are not getting a cabinet post or coveted ambassadorship. They are not gaining favor with a powerful party insider. They are simply doing their best to make the small amount of democratic power afforded to each citizen stretch a little farther.

If Canada had a different system - if it was proportional, or if there were runoffs, or anything beyond first past the post the vote swapping wouldn't be necessary and wouldn't work. However, the fact that these people are alert, informed and engaged and are showing a little ingenuity in expanding their democratic rights is no reason for elections Canada to do anything except perhaps applaud them.


Anonymous said...

I hope Election Canada gets tough with you guys and Danny Williams for your personal attacts on our prime minister .Imagine a 60 year old DANNY .The guy even looks like SATAN with his hair parted in the middle and Fat cheeks .I bet he will be the first one at his mass on sunday and then we wonder what happened to religion with hyprocrites like that around. Dont Condemn others that are trying to do some good .Williams should be working on getting clean drining water for nfld lab people and ETC ETC ETC .Leave your vote with Harper and you will be doining the country some good
Regards Ron

Justin Beach said...

Get some help Ron...seriously..

Anonymous said...

Ron, you need to read the fine print a vote for Harper is a vote for the death of Canada...

Thanks to people like you who comment without doing your homework will send this country to hell and all of us along with it.

Read A north American Community and all of the recommendations of the NACC and you will see that harper's claims of tax cute\s is another lie since we will be responsible for the cost of the SPP to suit big business and the CCCE as well as incure a dept from the World Bank of 21 billion a year for a decade to stablelize Mexico....wake the hell UP! Just look at the new drivers licence and the CHIP that is being incorporated curtesey of HARPER By the way, his saying he will reduce the cost of diesel fuel is his way of kissing ass to big business in the reduction of transport sure isn't helping any regular canadian...the man IS EVIL and part of the Bilderberg group since at least 2003..

If you care about this country you will open your the way, we have been controled by the media's non reporting of the real truth ....see who is on the SPP committee, the NACC, CCCE, CFR and you will finally see the truth..



Anonymous said...

Elections Canada should be investigated the day of the elections since we apparently have the same system used in the USA and we all know what happened with fraud there...

We no longer can trust anyone. Hiow sick is that?

Anonymous said...

Dwight Williams said...

Considering that Elections Canada is actively investigating the "In and Out" campaign financing scheme, and I've heard not one damn thing thus far about election machinery à la Diebold taking hold up here, I tend to doubt the need to investigate that department.

Keeping my ears to the ground just in case, though. It helps to let such schemers know we're watching for the first sign of trouble, I think.