Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Canada's Broadcasters Chicken Out

According to a press release issued by a 'Consortium of Broadcasters' three of Canada's major political parties said that they would not participate in the leader's debates if Green Party leader Elizabeth May was included.

While the consortium would not say which parties would not participate the math is not hard because the Liberals have been actively pushing for the inclusion of the Greens. So, barring any correction from the consortium we must assume that Jack Layton, Gilles Duceppe, and Stephen Harper all said that they would not participate in the debate.

Guess what? They were lying (or they are politically stupid). If Canada's major broadcasters held a leaders debate and invited all of the leaders they would have a choice between showing up and representing themselves or letting others attack them on a national stage without being able to respond (not to mention automatically losing points with the public by their actions.)

This is not only another blow to the 'public service' aspect that is supposed to be part of a broadcast license but it shows that either the broadcasters are cowards who won't oppose the political parties even if it is for the public good or Elizabeth May is correct and they are sexist.

I do not plan on voting Green myself, but this decision will have an impact on my voting decision.

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