Thursday, June 14, 2007

I've taken a couple of stabs at creating a bulletin board on this site - for the most part they have been underused (except by porn spammers who seem to find them useful). So, rather than try that again I'm simply going to endorse and use this one (please see shiny new link in right hand column).

I stumbled across on Facebook and it seems to be something I can happily endorse. is an open, diverse and nonpartisan website where members from across the country can examine and discuss the issues that matter to them from a Canadian perspective. We exist because we know that Canadians care about their media, and we believe that coming together to talk about it is the first step to creating real change.

I certainly believe that Canadians have lost site of the fact that we own the Media - mainstream and otherwise. We own the airwaves - including satellite, broadcast and other wireless frequencies, and lease them to companies who are supposed to 'serve the public interest'. We may not outright own the cable and telephone lines, but they were heavily, heavily publicly subsidized and could certainly be nationalized with cause. On top of that we heavily subsidize broadcasters - the CBC obviously, but private broadcasters also received hundreds of millions in subsidies and we heavily subsidize production (including foreign production that takes place in Canada.)

So, again, we own the media in Canada outright and if it is not doing what it is supposed to - "serving the public interest" then we must step in and enforce our authority. That, however, is my opinion - please visit and add your .02 as well.

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