I'm tired of people trying to sell me stuff. I'm tired of commercials, I'm tired of junk mail and tele-marketers and spam. It seems like every time I turn around someone is trying to sell me something that I have absolutely no interest in. Even explaining that I have no interest only seems to increase their motivation to sell - as if it was an indication that they were close to a sale.
I'm tired of calling tech support or customer service only to be put on hold (where a machine tries to upsell me on services I'm already buying) and then learning, after several sessions on hold and a lengthy and aggravating conversation that I know way the hell more than the poor schmoe I'm talking to because the company I'm calling doesn't believe in actually training people.
I'm tired of corporate policies that basically read "F*ck You" or, more specifically:
Rule 1:
Never do anything that would inconvenience the company, cost the company a thin dime, or be at all helpful to the consumer.
Rule 2:
"Never admit to wrong doing by the company, even if it is a simple matter and obviously our fault."
Rule 3:
"Never offer any useful advice or assistance to the customer."
Rule 4:
"Explain to the customer that whatever went wrong is obviously their fault, or possibly a third parties fault. Offer to fix it for money"
Rule 5:
"Remind the customer that they are very important to us."
Rule 6:
"Remind the customer that we are the best company in our industry."
Rule 7:
"See if you can't sell them something else, or at least get some personal information that we can sell to other companies."
Perhaps, just perhaps, some of these organizations wouldn't have to be as worried about profits if they stopped treating their employees as a nuisance to be endured and their customers like they were doing us a favor by agreeing to do business with us and actually thought about taking some pride in the products they sell?
I won't mention any companies specifically, by name, but I'm guessing that as you read this some names popped into your head.
You know what I can't stand? Car commericals. Simply for the fact that I can't afford one. I also feel they rub it in my face.
There's also Emily, the Bell computerized operator who tries to direct you to the right category. Everytime you say something, she says she doesn't understand. It's a good five minutes of frustration.
Oh yes. Some names do indeed come to mind...
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