Monday, January 08, 2007

The Demise of the Parody

Upon viewing the trailer for the upcoming film ‘Epic Movie’, I began to think about parody in films and I have found myself saddened that this is what it has come too.
In the past we had Mel Brooks, who could parody a genre or even one specific film with light hearted stupidity yet could genuinely be making a point if you read between the lines, it had the occasional gross out humor or sex joke but it was done well and never too much. Movies like ‘Blazing Saddles’, ‘Spaceballs’, and ‘Young Frankenstein’ are iconic in their own bizarre way, they have their own cult following and for good reason.
Now we come to present times, movies like ‘Date Movie’ and the ‘Scary Movie’ series have taken over and have developed cult followings of their own. These films rely primarily on fart and sex jokes, as well it seems on rapper Lil Jon who has a cameo in most of these films, although they do have the occasional amusing moment.
Don’t get me wrong, offensive or gross humor does not bother me but when all the 2 of the 6 writers of ‘Scary Movie’ do is create the grossest jokes possible, find actresses who are willing to take off their clothes and THEN create a thin plot with gaping plotholes in it so much so that it is obvious they do not care about it because it might take away from Carmen Electra’s boobs.
Upon viewing the ‘Epic Movie’ trailer all I could think of was ‘Date Movie’, it has been happening increasingly more that they are tailoring these movies towards 14 year old boys. ‘Date Movie’ could have been brilliant, many people who are older could have appreciated this because every one of us has had to sit through some atrocious Meg Ryan/ Freddie Prinze Jr. film, but instead they chose to tailor it to teenagers. Not all of us know or care about Lil Jon or a 50 Cent song, or a cat with diarrhea but we would care about a good satire, and ‘Epic Movie’ is doing the same thing now. I love fantasy films, I’m addicted and all I saw from this trailer was them throwing together a bunch of dirty jokes about the most popular films of the year (most of them were not even fantasy) and calling it a parody of an Epic film.
I wish we could see an intelligent, well written satire like the parodies of old with a few sick jokes thrown in there, but with a point hidden beneath it all. Is that to much to ask for? Can I not see Lil Jon and Carmen Electra? Can I instead see someone with wonderful comedic timing?
I guess the 2 of the 6 writers from ‘Scary Movie’ don’t agree.


Justin Beach said...

I think the sad truth of it is that Hollywood is not only out of ideas, they don't even like them anymore. I've said this before but - the fastest way to end your career in Hollywood now is to say 'I have an idea'.

CpBurrowes said...

I'm not sure I agree that Hollywood is totally devoid of new ideas but they do really seem to like to regurgitate!

All rules have acceptions but this works most of the time. AVOID MOVIES WITH THE WORD MOVIE IN THE TITLE AND SONGS WITH THE WORD SONG IN THE TITLE. If you can't be bothered to think of a real name there is a good chance the ideas contained with in aren't thought out any better than the title was.

Johnny Action said...

Well said!

A brief look into the creative process behind "Epic Movie":

First of six writers of Scary Movie: How can we handle this next seen in the tasteful and poignant way possible?

Second of six writers of Scary Movie: Let's see, we still have to work Cameron Diaz and Lil Jon into the film...

1st: Yes, but how best to use their talents?

14 year old producer: Oh! Oh! I know! Let's give Lil Jon diarrhea, and have him riding around the Talladega Racetrack on Cameron Diaz's back to the tune of "Ridin' Dirty!"

1st: Brilliant!

2nd: Comedic genius!

Mel Brooks, somewhere far, far away: (Dies)

Nik said...

But sex is hilarious! Hilarious!! Isn't it funny when people have sex?
