Saturday, January 13, 2007

9/11 Mysteries (Full Length, High Quality)

Hey all! So this is a video about 9/11 that is neither current or hugely surprising, though I think it is amazingly well done and informative and does confirm many of my underlying suspicions about the collapse of the towers...

anyhoo. check it out!

This is a brand new public domain 9/11 Truth documentary about the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center complex. It's excellent. Pass this link on!

World Trade Center WTC twin dowers controlled demoltion thermate thermite explosions 9/11 911 9-11 september 11 11th truth conspiracy theory theories theorist george bush dick cheney donald rumsfeld paul wolfowitz doctring PNAC project for a new american century NORAD FAA FBI CIA NSA cutter charges molton steel WTC7 building 7 larry silverstein pull it BYU physics professor steven jones loose change alex jones NIST pentagon flight 77 missile flight 93 shanksville PA lets let's roll put options gold emma e. booker elementary jersey girls


Rachel Flood said...

the formatting is all f#@ked up and i dunno why...hopefully you can still read it...

Rachel Flood said...

i fix it!


Asass said...

Pandora's Black Box - Chapter Two - Flight 77

Pilots for 911 truth


Justin Beach said...

Thanks for posting this Rachel, the WTC I'd already seen but the Robert Newman stuff I hadn't. It's awesome, very Chomsyesque but way funnier than Chomsky.