The day after our English debates seemed to inspire alot of talk as I stopped over in a few towns and cities yesterday, amazing the talk was of our younger generation. I was very happy to hear it as I've been excited to read the many comments on my social networks with some great debates among the Canadian people. I'm hoping this election has sparked some interest in many Canadian people, we need to be and need to teach our children to be more pro-active in their future.
I was asked yesterday to explain why my position was so strong on the Liberals Green Shift plan and to give an easy explanation to change their mind in why a Carbon tax would be the better way over a do nothing platform or why it would be better then a Cap and Trade, why paying another tax for gas (since that is the biggest issue regarding Carbon tax) would benefit Canadians.
Here was the conversation...
What is the difference between Carbon Tax and Cap and Trade?
Cap and Trade is applied to business only, although a step in the right direction to make companies accountable for their emissions here is the problem. Here I am, a business that will have carbon credits but because of my business structure I don't use much in the way of carbon burning but I purchase the credits for what I do use. Company B beside me in the auto industry burns high carbon emissions to continue their service but half way through the month have used up their credits. Company B comes to me and asks to purchase my credits I don't think I will use, I agree to sell my carbon credits so they can continue to burn the same about of carbon emissions to continue with their service, they also approach other low carbon emission companies for the purchase of their credits. At the end of the month, Company B burns the same amount of carbon emissions as they did prior to the cap and trade minus a little less because they try to save some money on carbon credit purchase but only a small amount. My business and other's Company B purchased carbon credits from burns only minimal due to our style of business.
Where has the savings in carbon emissions been saved? In essence, Company B continues to burn the same carbon emissions as did prior to the Cap and Trade policy.
Being a homeowner I purchased a few years ago a powerful gas 6hp lawnmower and to maintain a nice lawn I need to use it once if not twice a week yet now the gas I purchase to run the lawnmower comes with an added carbon tax, what do I do to save money?
Purchase an electric lawnmower and for those who dislike dragging around the cord, the newer electric lawnmowers that now has a battery charger to eliminate a electical cord.
So how does this save on money while stimulating new job growth?
Incentives is what companies will need to bring into the picture, for those maunfactuers create lawnmowers need to have an incentive plan set in place that if you bring in your gas powered mower to purchase an electirc one they give you a discounted price since they can still use the parts from a gas powered mower to recycle parts. Secondly, as more consumers purchase electric mowers and get away from the gas powered ones a higher demand for electric lawnmowers goes into play creating more jobs, and with a competitive industry always trying to make improvements especially going green , new innovative ideas of better mowers using renewable energy has now sparked a growing industry.
What about filling the tank of my car, how will this save me money and create more jobs?
We all know SUV's and gas guzzling cars have caused our industries to decline in many ways and now the question what now? As a consumer you need to save money now that a carbon tax has been added, so you become more aware of if you walk or bike to the store over driving? Do you take the nearest transit, or do you drive?
Next the consumer asks what do I do for the future in a vehicle, would like to continue to drive around town without worrying about being taxed.
The consumers, espcially city driving consumers decided to start purchasing hybid cars, more and more hybrid and smart cars are sold, now the auto manufactuers need to keep up with demand and always wanting to find ways to have a better and greener auto made to run on renewable energy, the visions are endless. Demand increases, a new driving industry begins.
The old cars what do we do with all the parts, won't it end up just rotting away in some auto graveyard?
No, not when more and more companies and programs are Going Green, everything we make given the right incentives can be put to good use like the Car Donation Charity (for U.S. Car Donation Charity ) or what many RV manufacturers are doing.
The impact right now will be difficult for me until this new generation of industries are in full production, so what right now?
Yes, considering the way the U.S. economic crisis is unfolding that has already touched Canadians with many job losses in the manufacturing industry and import/export is sure to suffer, it may take some time for all our economies to bounce back but while we are waiting we are taking a step in the right direction and the Liberal government has already outlined in their platform many taxpayer incentives and income tax cuts to help get over the harder economic times we may face, that with their taxpayer calculator you can find on, will show you this is a win win situation now and for the future generations to come.
The change for the future cannot come from government alone, we must take account as individuals to change our lifestyles, and when we gear our future and teach our children that change can be the best method to get over the hard times, we force companies to change. Without consumer change, without consumer pressure, companies will only make one kind of green, and as we are finding out that kind of green only makes freedom come with a hard price to pay, that price for our southern friends is in the amount of $700 billion dollars >...don't put a price on the Canadian future, put a price on Canadian made.
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