Now, check these out.
The declining looney and the need to save money in the declining U.S. has the phones ringing again for Canada's film industry. Note to Mr. Harper, Even in a bad economy the arts and culture sector keeps going.
Sign of things to come? Last week French President Sarkozy came out against Quebec Seperatism:
Today two ADQ members defected to Charest's Quebec Liberals
If separatism is finally done a Bloc/Liberal merger could form majority governments for a long time to come.
Before the election the CBC hired a private company to monitor it's election coverage and look for signs of bias. The report is in and no bias was found.
The J-source article is at
The full report on CBC coverage is at
In an effort to shed their Big Brother image, Microsoft has patented real time voice censoring software.
Rabble Relaunches with new partners the Council of Canadians, United Steelworkers, and Douglas Coldwell Foundation:
Champion of deregulation Allan Greenspan admits that industry cannot regulate itself. (Mr. Harper might want to read this one too.)
Joel Plaskett is coming to a theater near you.
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