I thought that Ignatieff's approach was shrewd: Force the government to report back and face a confidence vote every three months. So the money starts to flow but the government can still be brought down as early as March. It allows the opposition parties time to exploit the weakness' in the budget and get the public ready for a new government. I hope that he gets his amendment.
Mr. Layton's reaction was predictable and sad. It did not acknowledge political realities. By political realities I mean that had the government been defeated and a budget (any budget) been delayed for another few months the Liberals and the NDP would have been punished for it at the polls. The likely outcome would have been a Harper majority (especially now that Harper isn't really a conservative anymore).
Layton's bitterness is understandable, the coalition is likely as close as he'll ever get to governing. His rhetoric though is tired. His new buzzwords are "virtual coalition" and "get out of jail free card" - they have apparently replaced "kitchen table". Staying on message is one thing but using the same buzz words to answer just about every single question asked makes him sound like a robot.
There is much that I agree with the NDP on, but I fear that they will go no further until they find someone to replace Jack Layton. Jack has brought the NDP back from the brink of extinction, but I think he's done all he can. He has become too predictable, everyone knows what he's going to say before he says anything and fewer and fewer people are impressed. The NDP has had their bulldog, he got them back in the headlines and gained them seats - now the party needs a strategist who can figure out how to increase their power and leverage what power they do have to greater effect. The my way or the highway approach only works if you have a majority government, it's not as effective when you have 37 seats.
So. Who should be chosen to take the NDP to further victories, then?
I like Mr. Layton, and I liked that he stood up to protect women's rights as soon as the budget was passed. Sure he it took him a few hours to move on. He is passionate because he has principles. Even before Christmas the Angus Reid showed that by far Canadians viewed him as the being most trustworthy and honest leader, and also as the one caring about the things most people believe in. When Ignatieff approved the budget this Ekos poll was showing the coalition (intiated by Jack Layton) had more support than the conservative leadership (despite what the media implied.) That this opportunity was lost is a hard pill for him to swollow, but I believe his heart is in the right place. I also think Ignatieff did the smartest thing he could, and he was also true to his word. I hope amendments go though and they can work together.
I'd be almost happy to see the two parties merge, but would be concerned it might lead to the same divisive politics we've witnessed in the states in recent years.
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