Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Admin: Brand New Stuff on

So I spent alot of time today on administrative stuff. Fuzzy Logic was added to the main links (the ones that show up in the right hand column on every page. But, beyond that I've added a new links section devoted to Facebook - it's not really to promote Facebook itself, they don't need it, but this is the justification I put on the pages.
Love it or hate it there are now over 8 million people in Canada with a Facebook account, including an estimated 1 Million in Toronto alone. It may eventually burn out, but for the moment it's a great way to meet people, network and stay 'plugged in'. Since this site exists primarily to promote Canadian Arts and Culture and because I feel that one of the ways this is best accomplished is through community building I've put together this extra section to point you to good and/or useful Facebook groups to help connect you to the things you care about. note: I am not necessarily a member of all of these groups. But you can certainly add me if you like.
I'm also getting ready to add a new Toronto section. There was a time when I tried to build alot of local/regional areas for the site, but it was just too difficult to maintain, especially since I don't live all of those other places. So this new section will be exclusively to the best Toronto stuff, from all the other categories.

Edit: Both of the new sections are obviously works in progress, it will take a bit to get it all shiny.

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