Thursday, December 13, 2007

Breaking Links: Thursday, December 13

Sam Roberts wants you to sign a petition supporting Al Gore.
"Tomorrow Al Gore is going to address the UN Climate Change Conference in Bali, Indonesia. At his urging, I've signed an important petition showing I support his important call for a visionary treaty to address the climate crisis. I hope you will too."

According to the CBC no matter what people tell you, in music, the album still reigns supreme.
"Modern music may, indeed, be irreversibly fragmented. Comprising both downloads and chain record stores, the business of selling music is a tangled, sprawling mess. Despite a growing sense — both real and imagined — that online, single-song sales rule, the album is in no jeopardy of disappearing. Talk to musicians and avid listeners and you’ll see that albums still matter. Regardless of how it’s delivered, the album, that unified assembly of songs, is still the most powerful (and effective) medium musicians have."

A CBC cameraman has been arrested for attempting to film Winnepeg Police according to
"“By all accounts, the CBC staff that were involved in this were acting completely appropriately,” he said.
“They were on public property, in essence a street, shooting an event that was public activity. They were doing nothing, that I can see, that was improper or illegal.”"

Bookninja wants your vote on the Story of the year.
"Send me your vote for top lit-story of the year, either as reported on Bookninja or as missed by Bookninja. Was it something skeezy, controversial or stupid like the OJ/the Goldmans/Judith Regan money grab? The dumbening of The Golden Compass? The Martin Amis/Ronan Bennett racism dustup? The rise of the blog? Stephen King winning literary awards? Canada Customs screwing Little Sister? Stephen Henighan pointing the shaky finger of conspiracy at the Canlit family? The Google/digitization arguments? The kindling of The Kindle? The exposing of the misblurb? The end of US reading according to the NEA? Brown writers being mistaken for terrorists? The death of the books pages? Rankin vs the lesbians? etc etc etc?"

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