First Jeff McEnery is funny. Not really that suprising, but in case you didn't know...also quite the ladies man if you're in the top 40%.
Second Ed-Glass Donnelly's acclaimed film "This Beautiful City" is finally coming back to Toronto and beginning a run at the Royal on May 23!
Third the newly redesigned Diableros are as good as the old Diableros, possibly better! Definitely check them out at Lee's Palace on May 21.
If you were unfortunate enough to miss last nights show - make sure you're there next month when Stephen Eyes and co will present: A debate between Stephen Harper, Paul Martin, Jean Chrétien, and Brian Mulrooney. The debate will be moderated by Stephen and special guest Mike Myers and each PM will have to do a tequila shot before they answer each question. Also appearing will be sketch comedy troupe the Kids in the Hall and musical guests Broken Social Scene....ok, not really, that's all bullshit but I'm sure they have something equally good planned (No pressure Steve).
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