Saturday, January 26, 2008

Urban Planning the Sesame Street Way

It occured to me while on a walk today that most Torontonians aren't native Torontonians. 56% of this city wasn't even born in Canada. But for people around the world, thanks to television, there is a shared experience (if you're under about 40-45) which is that we all grew up with Sesame Street. I wondered today how much that early (pre-elementary school) shared experience shaped how we think a city should be. I mean it's not a bad model and it seems to have alot in common with what people seem to want.

  • Clean Streets: Virtually no litter and when there is everyone pitches in and picks it up (usually while singing).

  • Alot of art and music and general good fun.

  • A Strong community, everyone knows everyone, everyone pitches in to help if there's a problem.

  • Small independent shops where everyone knows the store owner.

  • A great amount of street life - there are always people you know out and about and alot of shared activities.

  • Plenty of trees, gardens, parks and public gathering spots

  • Alot of walking and cycling but very few motor vehicles (everyone was always hanging out in the middle of the street).

  • Basically, if you take away the muppets and musical numbers you've got a fair semblance of what people seem to be describing when they talk about what Toronto should be. It also seems to be similar to what people seem to want in Vancouver, Montreal, even New York. Hell, given some time New Mind Space and Improv Everywhere may even put back the muppets and musical numbers.

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