Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Post #700 and the Periodic Call for Writers

Though this web site started out in conflict, being born out of the 2005 CBC Lockout. It has been for the last two and a half years a labour of love. The other writers who sometimes post to the blog have been fabulous but it has been, and remains largely a one person operation.

Despite this it has been remarkably successful. According to it is currently, out of all the websites in the world, number 34,718 in Canada. To give you an idea the top 10 (in Canada) on that list are

1) Facebook
3) Windows Live
4) YouTube
5) Yahoo
6) (counted as seperate from #3 above)
7) Wikipedia
8) MSN

Ebay is #15, Flickr is #24, is #67...

So given the competition and that this is, largely, a one person operation with no revenue (no grants, donations or advertising) I'm pretty happy with #34,718. It is also ranked 1,432,925 in the world (all languages, all countries) which is an improvement of 2,832,408 spots in the last 3 months alone.

Still, it could be better and with extra hands I think that and the promotion of Canadian arts and culture could go much higher. If you would like to contribute, in any way: Especially if you like to write about things artistic and cultural (and ok, sometimes political) and would like to contribute to the site please let me know. You can reach me, as always at beach.justin[at] or by using the form at I cannot offer you cash, as I said, there is none. What I can offer though is a chance to talk about what's important to you and almost complete freedom to write what you want about anything that interests you.

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