When the problems began in the auto industry there were rallies and demonstrations, with most of these directed at the government (not their employer.) Canadian Autoworkers spokespeople were all over the news and the media responded with intensive coverage of the issues.
But when the media problems started - when news organizations started laying off people the CMG (who, in addition to the CBC, represent employees of APTN, Canadian Press, Can West Television, TVO, and Thompson Reuters amoung others) was silent. They remained silent when the CBC shortfall was announced, remained silent through the process as individuals tried to persuade the government to intervene and are still silent now.
Ok they aren't totally silent, there are a few notes on their website and some good reads on the blog of CMG President Lise Lareau. But with 800 people about to be lockout out of the CBC permanently, that appears to be it. One of the headlines on Lareau's blog reads "The fight to save local news is on" - cool! Where? The first headline on Lareau's blog reads Radio silence on media crisis - it's about the lack of media coverage of the crumbling media but her 'About Me' section reads "President of the Canadian Media Guild - a union representing 6,000 media workers in public and private broadcasting and news services - and a TV producer."
So why has there been no coverage? You evidently have some good media contacts in the rolodex, all you have to do is give them something to cover : rally? press conference?
I know, from 2005 that the CMG and Ms. Lareau care about these issues, but I do not understand why they have opted to stay out of it.
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