Harper has no plan on the environment because opposed to the environment, he is opposed to arts and culture, he is absolutely dangerous to the Canadian economy, he has taken us from being peace keepers to war makers, and has generally attacked everything Canada is supposed to stand for. Even if he comes out and says he's going to change, that he's going to do things differently he has shown over and over that he cannot be trusted.
In short while Gilles Duceppe, in his heart of hearts, would like to take Quebec out of Canada, Stephen Harper would, in his heart of hearts, like to take Canada out of Canada and make us the 51st state with the state capital in Calgary.
The Bloc, over the years, has backed every party and opposed every party at one point or another and Canada has managed to stay together. There is no danger of Quebec leaving over the course of this coalition government but the coalition can put Canada back on track and give us real environmental and economic policies as well as reverse the Conservative direction on making us American.
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