Monday, March 31, 2008

The Cheap Speakers Need a Female Rythm Guitar

Toronto band the Cheap Speakers is looking for someone to play rhythm guitar for the summer (and maybe longer): Natalia Manzocco is departing the band, at least for a bit and they need someone who can fill in on 'Rhythm Guitar, Vocals and Hand Claps': The basic job description reads like this:
"Our ideal candidate for a our new guitar player would be female (for the vocals) and more importantly full of energy and enthusiasm.  There are no Debbie Downers in The Cheap Speakers.  We have two, long, fun-filled, focused rehearsals a week that we hold with near religious regularity (for musicians that is) on Tuesday evenings and Saturday afternoons.  That is in addition to whatever shows we have booked.  So there is definitely a significant investment of time involved.  We play meat and potatoes, unpretentious, garagesque rock and roll."
You can read more about the band, and hear a few of their tunes on their Myspace If you're interested in the job you can contact them through myspace or drop me a note at and I'll pass it along.

Photo shamelessly ripped off from Beth Hamill / Thanks Beth!

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