Monday, February 11, 2008

Film Funding 2.0

Now that sites like and sellaband have begun in earnest to change the way music is bought, sold and financed it was only a matter of time before other media began to follow suit. It would appear that film is the next in line. First up is the Pocket Change Fund. Filmmakers Kris Booth and Ramona Barckert have written a screenplay for a film called "At Home By Myself ... With You" and are funding it with pocket change.

Meanwhile according to the Times Online, Canadian filmmaker Casey Walker is funding his million dollar movie on $10 investments
"For too long film has been a club that only the big boys and the rich boys are part of. Now the little old lady in Arkansas, too, is going to be able to see her name on the big screen."
and if it works he help you with yours.
"In an interview with Times Online, Mr Walker, 32, said: "I'm trying to change the process by which films are funded. When I prove that this model can be successful, I plan to open a larger, online studio, where investors can buy a stake in any film they choose, by genre."
For more check out My Million Dollar Movie

more from the Pocket Change Fund

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