Once upon a time, Toronto Motorists stopped at crosswalks. I don't mean the normal intersections, I mean the yellow lights that hang above the street and blink when someone presses a button. Some motorists still stop at these, but more and more often I find that they don't. I don't think alot of motorists pay any attention to them. Lately even cyclists (who should know better) don't seem to stop at these semi intersections. In the last month I have seen both motorists and cyclists simply swerve around a crossing guard at a crosswalk.
Sadly, given the sharp drop-off in courtesy, basic etiquite and hell..just plain old obeying the law on Toronto streets and given that since the start of 2006
43 pedestrians have been killed by cars in Toronto I think it's time for the city to replace
all of the yellow flashing lights with proper red-yellow-green traffic signals.
"But", the question will soon be asked, "won't this make traffic in Toronto even slower". Yes, it most certainly will and, by the way, there should be speed bumps on every residential street as well.
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