"a series of satirical episodes about life between adolescence and adulthood broadcast recently on Bite Television (Rogers Channel 322) and currently on the Web at bitetv.ca and on Facebook, with a blog and additional content at twixterstv.com."So, it's still sort of a video podcast - but it primarily exists on bitetv.ca, Facebook, Myspace and YouTube. So, I don't have a proper feed to add it to the podcasts. They do however have a blog - so, I'm putting that in the blogs. Twixters looks something like this:
Friday, February 01, 2008
At one point, not so long ago, there was a video podcast called Cynically Tested, then it went away. Now it's back...kindof. From the Toronto Star comes word that the Cynically Tested folk are back but this time it's called Twixters:
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