i woke up with a start at 420 am (yeah) with some ideas that i wanted to write down. including some new antics for chausette, my new born stoner sock puppet. after writing furiously so i wouldn't forget anything, i am now completely buck awake.
coffee? of course. i fired up the espresso machine and made myself a tall water with lime.
i realized again why i like facebook & blogging. my days are so free form, around meetings and shooting and playing and creating, all on my schedule. when i write things down on facebook it's like an electrical journal for me. i still have paper notebooks too, mostly for drawing.
i remember writing a facebook note after a friend had said "what's it like with a job where you're not really helping anybody". my friend wasn't interested in the answer but i was. so i wrote it down... and then people commented and discussed... and i realized that storytelling can be the best way to help someone. so yeah, thanks facebook.
i love going off the grid just as much. i'm not big into rules or doing something just for the sake of doing it. right now i will live my life on facebook.

lisa anita wegner
boss lady of the dufferson herman arts umbrella/ mighty brave productions

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