May legions of angels surround you daily.
Dear Ladies and Gents in Iraq and Afghanistan
I am going to take a certain amount of comfort in thinking that if you are reading this letter, then maybe you are in a place of relative peace and security.
My name is Margie and I live on the east coast of Canada and I am a mom and nanna. I am also just one of many many people around the world that worry and pray for you many times through the day. In fact some days it is so often I swear I can hear God say "Enough already. I heard you the first million times !" LOL
I know that you all have seen the protesters in the media but it seems the ones that get the most coverage are those that point fingers at you the troops. The ones that say you had a choice to say no and you could have refused to go to war. Please do not take their thoughts and words to heart for they do not know seem to understand how serious was your committment when you swore an oath. In fact some think that I am nuts when I tell them I am in awe of the courage each of you have shown to honour that second part of your oath where you vowed to obey the leader of your country.
There are far more protesters like myself and we do not miss an opportunity to lend our voice against these same leaders who have put you in this war. It is they who are wrong and not you the troops but it seems that we garner less media coverage.
I am in total awe of the bravery you show each day. I cannot even imagine what it is like to wake up and find oneself in the midst of such horror and violence. An enviroment where your very life and that of your comrades depends on being able to discern who is the enemy which has to be pretty tough when I see photos of kids no more than 10 or 12 holding guns; where the "norm" is kill or be killed. Indeed I pray for your physical protection but, more so I pray that your hearts and spirits can be protected when it is seared with the excruciating pain of seeing a brother in arms injured or killed. That your mind can be helped to deal with the nightmarish sites that you must witness day in and day out, especially when you have to deal with the death and maiming of the innocent citizens.
When the pain becomes too great, go deep within yourself to find that core part of your being where the love for your family, friends, and country still burns strongly; be assured that spot is still there but you have buried it for protection. Go there every chance that you can and warm yourself by that flame of love and allow your heart and spirit be washed and healed in this love and the love that God Himself sends.
I keep your family and friends in my prayers. That they too have angels to lift them up and comfort them while they await your safe return.
As always I pray that vast legions of angels are dispatched your way today and everyday. Be aware of them for they are there to protect you, and if you allow them, they will comfort you and use their wings absorb your pain and tears.
I want you to know that each of you is loved and supported by far more people than you can imagine~ people who feel total pride for what you must do and hold you in the highest regards for your display of courage and bravery.
The HUGEST of Canadian *HUGS*
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