Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Marc Garneau Plus 25 - A Quick Comment
You'd think Canada Post would've done at least a commemorative issue, yes?
Apparently not from my quick investigation at the Sparks Street postal office this morning.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Only some things change.
Here we live in a time where putting a man on the moon has been replaced by now we can can buy a seat on the shuttle. And to think that just forty years ago a Black woman was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus. Can I get a...whoa technology! Human beings have come so far that if your co-worker whom occupy the cubicle next to you is talking too loud and disturbing your "office time net surfing," all you have to do is...send them an e-mail. Think about it...your grandparents couldn't do that. Not unless you're related to the Jetsons.
Man oh man. Who needs to worry about staying home by the phone waiting for your beloved to call? You have a phone in your purse, on your hip and even in your ear. If that's not enough and you don't want to hear his voice--send him a text message. And who said folks don't read anymore?
How about this one? People are now afforded the great opportunity to call a company and have a lifeless voice prompt them to push multiple numbers until another soul less voice says, "I'm sorry your call can not be completed at this time..." Oh... the wonders of technology. It's so good that cloning isn't a thing of science fiction, it's real, very real. Anyone looking to find themselves? Give it a few years, you might just run into yourself as you race for the space shuttle that will drop you off on Mars so you can watch the NBA's newest franchise. You haven't lived until you've seen a three foot green dude dunk a ball.
But, with all the changes in the world and the many new gadgets coming out almost daily, there's one thing that won't ever change. People still want, need and strongly desire to be loved and appreciated. So put down the remote, the interactive video game, the cell phone that does everything but your hair and go to your wife, husband, mother, father or whomever you may care for and remind them that no matter the changes in this world and the distance that they create...tell them how much you love and appreciate them.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Transit, Ages, the City and the Future - A Happy Ending
Case in point? This morning at Ottawa City Hall.
The age limit on qualifying for student-rate bus passes is dead. To the last man and woman on city council, they repealed that ill-considered age limit of 27 in the name of economics and equity.
Last week, the Ottawa Transit Committee took the recommendation of the Pedestrian and Transit Committee to drop that age limit into the dumpster and ran with it. Unanimously. Given how the eight members of that committee tend to get on as a rule, you can guess how deeply the responses from the public at that committee hearing got to them.
At the full-council hearing, the Transit Committee's recommendation was put forth by committee chair Alex Cullen. There was some brief debate and comments by several councillors about assorted aspects of the topic before "ayes and nays" were called for.
In the end, council was as unanimous as the transit committee. Cullen had warned the people in the gallery last week that they had eight on the council in hand, and needed ten more to get the rule overturned. I suspect the students and their allies took that advice to heart.
Happy ending.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Transit, Ages, the City and the Future
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At issue this particular morning was the matter of a new policy begun this budgetary year at OC Transpo with the result being that if you want a student-priced bus pass, you’d better be age 27 or under or you might as well forget it.
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Yes, I know: students don’t always start post-secondary education at 18, and they don’t always finish with a degree or diploma or certificate in hand before they hit 27.
Well, there were fifteen presentations from assorted interest groups and individual citizens at this meeting on that particular subject. To the last man and woman, with their own specific concerns in play, they all had variants of the same reply to this policy: you forget it. We can’t afford this. The city can’t afford this. The country and the planet cannot afford this.
For assorted reasons - budgetary for the individual students and their families, legal and budgetary(for different reasons) for the city, environmental(and possibly other aspects as well) for the nation and planet - they were all of them absolutely right to say this to City Hall in my eyes.
To their credit, with some caveats to varying degrees, the city transit committee agreed with that logic and they’ll be passing along that recommendation to the full city council. Which is where the crunch comes in. The transit committee is made up presently of eight of some thirty-plus councillors from across the city. The student pass recommendation needs at least another ten councillors onside, preferably from the core, suburban and rural wards.
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Yes, there are at least these three factions in play within the full council. It’s a legacy of the shotgun marriage of a merger of cities, towns and a couple of villages that the Ontario legislature pushed through back in the days of Mike Harris and his “Common Sense Revolution”. As a result of that, we have what we now call the City of Ottawa. More on that era of the province’s history has been said by smarter people than myself, so I’m not going into that digression right this moment.
Back on point: the idea that an age-based rule on who qualifies as a student, rather than the definition being rooted in whether or not you’re taking classes full-time, strikes me as nonsensical on its face. I’ve been to community college twice so far, and may yet do so for a third, “hat trick” diploma. In both instances, I attended classes alongside fellow students who would be characterized as “mature” to varying degrees. Certainly, several in each of those two batches of fellow students were over 27.
How many would the disqualification for student pricing on bus passes have made the difference between affording their studies or ploughing onward in some other, possibly more desperate direction for their lives? I heard a figure of somewhere between $200 to $500 over an entire year being bandied about at a couple of points. One month’s groceries or car insurance premiums, it was said.
Another aspect of grabbing one form of cost savings at the expense of some nastier bills being payable down the road: it was mentioned in one of the presentations that the mayor of Saskatoon recently said that making bus passes more affordable for their local student population made a considerable dent in their annual road and highway maintenance expenses.
And as for pollution issues...well, let’s leave that to your imaginations. They’re certainly at least as well informed as my own on the subject by now. Asthma incidence, global climate derangement and so on?
It was suggested that other cities across Canada are doing this kind of age-based definition of “student” for public transit purposes. If we’re the National Capital here - last we checked, Ottawa still holds that title - then it falls to us as a city to set a better example than everyone else on the map. If we fail in that, then we’d better call the PMO and ask for that referendum on transferring the title and its responsibilities, privileges and landmarks.
Over to you.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Peacekeepers Day
I'm sorry I got there just as the ceremonies were ending.
What photos I was able to take in this link.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Local Podcast Presents 3-part Series on The Spirit of Radio
This Is Toronto, an audio podcast dedicated to Toronto's arts and culture community, is proud to present a three-part series on CFNY - The Spirit of Radio.
During the 1980s, CFNY (now known as 102.1 The Edge) was one of the most popular stations in North America. It prided itself on playing music that could not be heard anywhere else. CFNY was one of the first commercial stations in Canada to play songs from the punk and New Wave movement. The station was also responsible for the creation of the CASBY awards.
This three-part series will take a look back on CFNY and the impact it made on Toronto's airwaves. It features an interview with two CFNY legends: Don Berns and David Marsden. Part one of the series will be released on Friday, July 31 and can be downloaded from This Is Toronto's website: www.thisistorontopodcast.blogspot.com.
The Spirit of Radio schedule
Part one - July 31
Part two - Aug. 14
Part three - Aug. 28
About This Is Toronto
This Is Toronto is an audio podcast that shines a spotlight on the people, places and events that give life to this great city. This Is Toronto does not focus on the "big-ticket" names and occasions. Instead, the program features items that enrich Toronto's cultural atmosphere. New episodes are published on Fridays, once every two weeks. All episodes are about 10-12 minutes in length. This Is Toronto is hosted by Eric Rosenhek.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Open Discussion: Fate and Destiny.
Do you believe in fate and/or destiny? Would it surprise you to know that the two words share similar definitions? They both are defined as an event (or course of events) that will happen in the future. I'm certain that at some time you may have heard someone say that something or another was fate, and that something or another was destiny. Sometimes the words are used interchangeably and at other times they are used as if they have separate meanings. How do you view the two words?
Let's explore a scenario and you give this some thought: If a person walks in front of an approaching car as he or she walks against the light and is struck down by the car...is it fate? Was it their destiny to be hit by that car on that street at that appointed time or was it simply their own carelessness that led to he or she being hit? In other words...their own fault. Or was it simply a case of, "that was inevitable?" Talk about the mysteries of life.
Ponder that and let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing from you.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Just for fun...
The National Film Board's celebrating its 70th Anniversary as best they can this year. That celebration includes an outdoor display in front of the Conference Centre. And it includes a still shot from my all-time personal favourite short cartoon produced by any outfit on the planet: "The Cat Came Back".
Monday, July 06, 2009
VIA Rail: One Passenger's Fantasy Map
So, for your amusement at the publicbroadcasting.ca blog...
Opinions, anyone?
Monday, June 15, 2009
Update and words of encouragement.
I sincerely hope that the words contained in this blog from its conception to now can encourage the discouraged, inspire the uninspired, give hope to the hopeless, and an awakening to a slumbered dreamer. Remember...a dream is still a dream, a goal is still a goal and aspiration is still aspiration even if it hasn't come to fruition as of yet. All it takes is pulling it out of the dark, hidden place where that dream, goal or aspiration is waiting to become more than a seed, it wants to become the fruit that feeds a nation.
So my friends, if you have a dream, a goal, or aspirations; please let my words of encouragement speak to the part of the body that has ears to hear. DON'T ALLOW AGE, GENDER, WELL-MEANING FAMILY OR FRIENDS, LOCATION, EDUCATION OR LACK THEREOF, OR ANYTHING ELSE, stop you from fulfilling your GOD-GIVEN PURPOSE.Remember the story of the three men that were given talents and how each handled theirs. Who knows, sitting in front of their computer screen right now could very well be the next great undiscovered artist, or maybe the person that really discovers the cure for cancer. But until you start to live that dream, go after that goal or aspire to do what you really want to do in life, your talent will lay dormant and never have the chance to blossom.
As the old saying goes, "Nothing beats a failure but a try." I tried and no matter what happens after this, no one nor anything can take away the fact that I fulfilled a life-long dream and achieved a goal and became what I've aspired to become...a writer with a published book.You can do it too. One day I want to receive an e-mail from one of you reading this that stepped out on faith and awakened the dream, surpassed the goal and you are aspiring to inspire others with your accomplishments. We all have a story to tell. Be your own biographer. I'm waiting to read it.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Trudeau Stories: An Open Letter to the Author-Performer
I went to see your show at the National Arts Centre tonight while it was in town as part of the Magnetic North Festival. Wanted very much to stick around for the Q & A session afterwards, but misunderstood what time it was by the time the show itself ended. Thus, my hasty - and stupidly premature - retreat from the room and the Centre. I could rationalize it by way of my side trip into the nearest Running Room for yet another pair of socks, but that just smells...like socks.
Wet socks.
So. Your show. A piece of your life, as you lived it and remembered it. A piece of the life of someone else dearer to many people than some would care to admit, or in some instances, care to tolerate admissions from others. A man who became a friend to you.
A piece of both lives that you cared and worked to share with us.
I won't speak to the technical details of the craft. Others better suited to that have already done this, I'm sure, and some of the people who read this aside from you and I will no doubt link to it in their replies in due course.
For myself, I'll stick to the response of the heart. I laughed straight into asthma attacks, a peril I'll gladly keep facing if it keeps me sane to do so. I teared up more than once, including right at the start with that photo. If you apologize for those moments, ever, I will not forgive you. Not on this side of the grave, anyway.
I think you found the best use I've heard of a Vince Guaraldi Trio recording outside of the Charlie Brown specials to date.
You made me wish I'd been able to count Pierre Trudeau as a friend of my own.
For that, I thank you.
You've reminded us of why, as is said by others, "he haunts us still" and why that haunting can and should be a blessing.
For that also, thank you.
Be well. Prosper if you can.
Note to everyone else reading this: If you're wondering what I'm talking about, take a gander over here.
This was originally posted on my own weblog, On the DEWLine.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
New Toronto-themed Podcast Debuts June 5th
This Is Toronto will premiere on Friday, June 5, 2009. Episodes will be available off the program's website: www.thisistorontopodcast.blogspot.com. New episodes are published on Fridays, once every two weeks. All episodes will be about 10-12 minutes in length.
This Is Toronto is hosted and produced by Eric Rosenhek. Eric is a freelance journalist and has written for several publications. He's also a former host and producer with CKCU 93.1 FM in Ottawa. An avid podcaster, Eric has produced two other podcasts: The Audio Circus (2006-2008) and FutuRéale Radio (2008-2009).
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Do you know "why?"
Isn't kind of amusing that we can watch others do things and without even fully understanding why, we may repeat those same habits, beliefs or ideas in our own lives. We simply do it, because that's how it was always done. We don't question the "why" or even if it makes good sense in some cases. If it was good enough for them, then... But, was it really good enough for them, or did they also fall into the mindset of, "Repeated Generational Behavior."
In the above anecdote, the "why" belonged to the grandmother. She had a good reason for doing what she did and a clear understanding of why she did it. Through observation, the daughter and the mother repeated the behavior without questioning the validity of the behavior. From one watching the other, over time that behavior became one that was repeated from one generation to the next.
Now it would be great if all repeated behavioral patterns were as simple and tasty as corn bread. However in most cases it's not. Many of us go through life repeating behavior that we don't truly understand. You too may be making corn bread in a frying pan. Not that it's anything wrong with doing so, however would it be a bad thing to take the time to find out "why?" Not all behavioral patterns were meant to be nor should they be repeated.
Doesn't it make sense to know why you take the time and energy to do something other than to simply go through life doing things just because someone else did it that way?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Excerpt from recently released debut novel: Choices
“Are you kidding me? Why are we meeting in a dump like this?”
“A place is more than its appearance.”
“Well this place appears to be a dump.”
“You have always failed to appreciate the beauty of what I’ve created.”
“Ha ha. Let’s not forget you also created the flip side where I prosper.”
“There once was a man who threw a gold coin into the air with the intention of allowing the side it landed on determine his fate.”
“What in the…”
“Patience my son.”
Immediately a sense of peace and light filled the dim, dingy lit room.
“My fault, please continue.”
“Momentarily he was distracted and took his eyes off the descending gold coin. It bounced off his outstretched palm and rolled through a crack in the floor, lost forever.”
“So what happened?”
“I don’t know. Someone changed the channel.”
“Oh so you got jokes. And people think you don’t have a sense of humor.”
“Laughter is medicine for the soul, my son.”
“Yes it is. Where I reside we laugh often at how easy our job has become. In days gone by it was a little more difficult to get someone to denounce you; now let them miss the last digit on a lottery ticket after they prayed for a winner and bam. I have a new convert.”
“You have always underestimated the faith of my children.”
“With all due respect, I think you overestimate the faith of your children.”
“An argument for another time. I see you have been quite busy lately.”
“We all have our cross to bear. No pun intended.”
“No offense taken, my son. Now have you considered my faithful servants?”
“Ah, yes the young married couple in Philadelphia. I’ve been keeping track of them for some time, especially since the husband has stopped attending church regularly. I feel that they are ripe for the picking though you have blessed them greatly. However, as I am notorious for saying, remove your hedge of protection from them and they will surely curse you.”
“Behold all they have in is your power. Only do not touch them.”
“Including their relationship?”
“Why am I dealing with them as one?”
“Because what I have put together let no man divide.”
“Consider it done. I will prove to you that the faith you have in your people is far greater than the faith they have in you.”
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The Future of Publicbroadcasting.ca
About 7 weeks ago (2 months as of May 20) I launched NxEW.ca because I knew there was an underserved audience out there for Canadian music. It has taken off as a community - which now includes 75+ writers from 25 Canadian cities, 10 provinces and 1 territory. The writers include journalists and journalism students, bloggers and podcasters (who have their own blogs and podcasts), photographers, videographers, promoters, managers and, of course, musicians.
It has worked so well that I'm getting ready to re-launch publicbroadcasting.ca as the site for 'everything else' - the hope is to cover Canadian arts, culture and politics again with contributors from all over Canada. So if you're a Canadian and would like to write about progressive politics, current events, film, television, art, literature, or anything else within the broad umbrella of 'arts and culture' give me a shout at beach.justin@gmail.com.
I hope to have it up and going within the next few weeks.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Paying what you can?
SAM's admission is suggested, which means you pay what you can.
The author of the article tested the theory and the sales clerk collecting the money never gave him a look for putting in a dollar. Now, I'm always weary about going to pay-what-you-can shows because there's always that suggestion of a certain amount - usually $10 or $15. I mean, how is it pay-what-you-can, if it has that stipulation? I'm a student holding three jobs so pay-what-you-can shows are really what I can afford. So when I put in less than the suggested amount I always feel bad and it also doesn't help when the person selling you the ticket gives you a judgmental look. What gives?
Now back to the gallery scenario...wouldn't it be great if the ROM or the AGO toiled with the same idea that SAM did? I think it would attract more people to go to those institutions, who normally wouldn't be able to go. Although I hear there are some nights that free...
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
On the Dangers of Walled Gardens and Locked Gates
Canada's media juggernauts have done such a terrible job of covering Canadian arts and artists that, in the free and open media environment that we currently live in, more and more of the artists are losing interest in the media Juggernauts. Over at NxEW I talk to musicians, promoters etc., daily that don't really care about the old rules, or even the old media much anymore. They are more than willing to ignore SoCan policies, and the advise of others who 'represent' them in Ottawa and elsewhere. They give their music away freely (to me and others) without restrictions or conditions. They don't care about or want a Canadian DMCA and, while most of them would be more than happy to get coverage from 'old media' they no longer count on or rely on it. Instead they (we) are building their own press, their own audience, their own contacts and this shadow media is growing by the day in terms of size and popularity while traditional media debates how it is going to survive. I've seen evidence of similar things happening in Canadian literature, film, and other areas of the arts.
By paying so little attention to Canadian art and artists, and by fighting so hard to protect their entrenched status, much of Canadian media has essentially alienated themselves. As I said in the comments on Steve's blog, rather than lock the barbarian hordes out, they have locked themselves in. Essentially they have decided to wall themselves away and take all of the 'gold shekels' with them with the assumption that without any shekels the 'hordes' would have to come back to them.
What they don't seem to understand is that media is organic and like Michael Crichton said in Jurassic Park 'life will find a way.' You cannot legislate how people consume media any more than you can legislate how people breathe, it's something people just do, not something they think about (except for a few odd ones like me). If you take away all their media people won't die, they won't even be particularly upset by it, they'll just create their own - which is exactly what is happening. Without any of those 'shekels' people have just created their own currency, their own 'economic system' and life is moving on just as it was before. Meanwhile the old kings behind their well fortified walls are starting to discover that they can't eat shekels and are getting hungry.
As I said above they have locked themselves in and rather than, as they expected, having the upper hand in any negotiations may well have to negotiate their re-entry into the culture, a culture that no longer cares about shekels.
Friday, May 01, 2009
The Inseparable Relationship Between Politics, Art and Culture
I know the whole chicken v. egg argument - does life imitate art or vice versa. As far as I can tell though it works like this: art generally emerges from subcultures of various sizes. If it is engaging and based on ideas that resonate the sub-culture around it grows and begins to have an influence on the broader culture. In the 20th century you can see examples of this in jazz, blues, rock and roll and punk. Each started in a subculture, grew that subculture and then was adopted by and had an influence on the larger culture.
With the art comes social and political ideas (certainly all of the musical schools I listed above had a broad influence on culture and politics.) By the time they become popular in the broad culture the new art and the ideas that come with it have been watered down to an extent, but the influence is still there. This is not only the case with music. Film, literature, television and even comedy (Will Rogers, Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Jon Stewart ...) all had profound effects on culture in the 20th century and most new schools in each of these went through the same process: sub-culture to mass culture (with appropriate watering down.)
As with anything in the arts it's effect on culture, society and politics cannot be quantified, but 100 years ago we lived in a culture where racism was acceptable - now we live in a culture where it is not, but before there was a Martin Luther King, a Malcolm X or a Barack Obama there was blues and jazz which re-introduced people of European descent to people of african descent through the arts and made it increasingly more difficult to stereotype or hate.
If you go through the progress made in the 20th century a similar pattern emerges on almost every issue. It is hard to imagine the social reforms of the 1930s, or women's rights, or gay rights (we're not there yet but things are getting better), or environmentalism, or the peace movement, or the anti-cuclear movement or any one of a score of progressive victories happening without the ideas emerging from, and the support offered by the arts.
I should also note that by 'progressive' I do not mean any particular group or party. To me 'progressive' is that which makes the world a better place for everyone. One thing I think the 'me generation' got wrong is this: I believe that a person who seeks to make the world a better place for everyone makes the world a better place for him/herself. A person who seeks to make the world a better place only for him/herself makes the world a better place for no-one.
So this explains not only my view on the relationship between art, culture and politics but also the reason for my particular political point of view.
A political leader or party's support for the arts is directly related to their openness to new ideas. Conservatism is, by definition, the opposite of creativity. Creativity explores, it seeks progress, it challenges conventions and institutions - Conservatism is opposed to and in many cases offended by all of these things.
So, when Conservatives claim to support the "arts", to "like music" etc., they are invariably talking about entertainment more than art. When asked for examples they will give the names of musicians, authors, filmmakers and others whose work brings with it a minimum of creativity, or that is old enough so as to not be threatening (or challenging) any longer. If you look at 'artists' who support the Republicans in the U.S. it's a collection of bad actors and derivative musicians. It is also recently acceptable for conservatives to claim that they like 'jazz' now that it is no longer acceptable for them to be openly racist.
If you are a creative artists, you are a progressive and therefore not a conservative. If you are a political progressive you must support the arts because that is the medium by which progressive ideas are introduced to the larger culture, as far as I know this has been the case since we lived in caves.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Asper: Recession Not to Blame for TV woes
" Neither the bad economy nor debt taken on by broadcasters are to blame for profit declines at Canada's major television networks, the head of CanWest Global Communications Corp. [CGS-T] told the federal broadcast regulator Tuesday.This is of course a political statement. CanWest Global, like all broadcasters in Canada, would like cable companies to pay carriage fees to broadcasters. Cable companies aren't interested and the CRTC doesn't appear to be interested either.
Instead, chief executive officer Leonard Asper said the cause of the problem is a regulatory system that has allowed cable companies to get rich while network television erodes. The other forces are making the problem worse, but they are not the culprit, he said."
The recession has certainly had a profound impact on ad revenues which has hurt broadcasters. They have certainly taken on too much debt - CanWest recently bet the house on an acquisition of Alliance Atlantis: a move that was widely regarded as suicidal. So Aspers statement were certainly disingenuous but there is some truth to them.
The problems of broadcast television did not begin with the recession. It is primarily a refusal to adapt to the world of media as it is. A world that means smaller, fragmented audiences who insist on convenience and choice. Canada's television broadcasters have not made good choices, they have not tried to understand the audience or adapt to changing conditions and, although the writing has been on the wall for over a decade, none of them have taken more than baby steps toward the inevitable future.
From a 'vision' perspective, television is in much the same boat that auto manufacturers were a year ago. I have heard, from several different people in the last few years the statement "television is for boomers" (or statements to that effect.) and until that perception is corrected and steps are taken to adapt to the new environment all the carriage fees in the world will not save them.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
CD Review: Metric - Fantasies
But in all honesty, there's nothing really special about Fantasies. This is not meant to be a slight against Metric. The new album is enjoyable and the band upholds their acclaimed style. The music is original and doesn't conform to any commercial conventions. However, Fantasies does not break any new ground. It's a typical indie-rock album; something that we have come to expect from a band like Metric.
"Help I'm Alive," the leadoff track, was the first single released from the album. It's a good choice as the song describes the feeling the band was going for. There are various moods and the vocals by lead singer Emily Haines registers on several fronts. There's also the delightful fuse of hard rock and New Wave. However, "Help I'm Alive" doesn't come close to the powerful and attention-grabbing "Monster Hospital" from 2005's Live It Out album.
Fantasies will have its success. There will certainly be praise for it. But expecting the album to be monumentally noteworthy is outlandish. It's a great album, but not one that will revolutionize the Canadian indie-rock scene. Expectations should be set a respectful level; neither high nor low.
For more information on Metric, please visit www.ilovemetric.com.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The Key to Media Profitability is Respect
This is the kind of relationship, based on mutual respect, that needs to exist for your media company (in whatever medium) to survive. Sometimes it is the audience that needs to show more respect. To download an unreleased album or an unreleased film shows a lack of respect for the artists. It is up to the creator of the content to decide when it is done and when it is available to the public. You wouldn't want someone reading your rough drafts - or making them available to the public at large.
Most of the time though it is a lack of respect on behalf of the media. To actually expect fans of your film to pay to see it in the theatre and then to buy it on VHS, and DVD, and Blu-Ray and then to buy another .mp4 copy for their iPod shows a lack of respect for the audience and it should come as no surprise if that lack of respect is returned.
I have bought Sandanista by the Clash three times - on Vinyl, then on CD, then on CD again. If something should happen to my copy I should be able to download another one. I have shown my respect to the creators of the album three times over. But according to the big record labels I should not only buy it again, I should buy the CD and then buy it in digital form if I want it on my computer and then buy it yet again if I should if I want it on my portable MP3 player. That shows an intense lack of respect for the audience and it should come as no surprise if that lack of respect is returned (especially when the record companies have a poor track record on supporting artists.)
I pointed out in my last post that the problem that big media is facing is not due to downloading, it is due to their inability to adapt to the increased competition of the million channel universe. Taking your problems out on your fans and your best customers (and taking $222k from a single mom because you lost $8) is the ultimate show of disrespect and if that disrespect is returned at the same level your company will not survive.
To date big media (record labels, movie studios, and others) have shown almost no respect to the audience, but they demand back full and total respect, even a little bit of awe. I do not, at this moment, believe that most of these companies will survive. If one day I rent a DVD and, instead of an anti-piracy advertisement, see the head of the MPAA on his knees begging forgiveness and offering free downloads of all films made prior to 1990 - I may change my mind. I'm afraid though that it would take something on that level for me to have any confidence that Fox, Vivendi, Universal, etc., are going to be around in 20 years.
If you, as a content producer in any media want to have a lasting career and a growing audience that is willing to pay - not because they have to but because they support you - try earning the respect of the audience. If you create intelligent, meaningful, worthwhile media and show respect and appreciation for everyone in your audience you'll be fine.
MPAA Declares Victory: Pirate Bay Insurgency Begins
Independent studies of downloading in the U.S., U.K, and Canada have all shown that file sharing is good for media. The problem the media is having has nothing to do with torrents or piracy - the problem is competition. We now live in the million channel universe (it's actually far more than a million but we can skip that.) Big media hasn't learned to live in a world where they don't have a monopoly on the audience. As that audience fragments and their share gets smaller big media has opted to sue their fans and customers - not out of any kind of moral right and wrong but purely to try and grab some easy cash from an easy target. That kind of irrational and irresponsible behavior cannot and should not be rewarded.
Additionally, as a supporter and consumer of intelligent, meaningful arts and culture the product produced by the larger media companies in all areas (television, film, music, news, etc) is deteriorating rapidly year over year. In an effort to make a "safe" profit they have gone to the familiar and formulaic over anything new, interesting or progressive. These conglomerates are failures both as business' and as providers of arts and culture and there is no conceivable reason for the public to lift a finger to save them.
As for the Pirate Bay itself, it is business as usual. From their
"So the first verdict finally came, almost 3 years after the raid. You might have heard about it in the news...So, if things continue on their current trajectory - when 2015 arrives Pirate Bay will still exist but many of the companies currently suing them will not and the world, including the arts and culture sector, will be fine (probably even better off) for the change.
You, our beloved users, know that this little speedbump on the information super highway is nothing more than just, a little bump. Todays verdict has already been appealed by us and will be taken to the next level of court (and that will take another 2 or 3 years!)
The site will live on! We are more determined than ever that what we do is right. Millions of users are a good proof of that.
We have seen that some people that we dont know have started collecting donations for us, so we can pay those silly fines. We firmly ask you NOT to do this. Do not gather or send any money. We do not want them since we will not pay any fines!"
CBC News Sunday Earns Misplay of the Week
On News Sunday today Evon Solomon and Caole MacNeil along with two guests (didn't get names, I think one of them was from cbc.ca) were discussing Susan Boyle's appearance on Britain's Got Talent. There were three chief points in this discussion that I think are meaningful.
- 1. That we were set up for the reaction to Boyle's performance because reality television is heavily scripted.
- 2. That we expect our musical performers to be better packaged - pretty, well groomed, well dressed and well marketed
- 3. That we are not used to natural talent - we are used to people who sing with digital enhancement etc.,
Point one is obvious. I just hope that journalists repeat it more often. There is very little that is real about reality television. It is just as scripted and packaged as comedy and drama. There are no surprises in reality tv.
Points two and three are deeply troubling and call into question whether arts journalists are actually doing journalism anymore. It was unclear who the 'we' they were referring to was but it obviously included themselves. It certainly does not include the people at CBC Radio - who have been doing an excellent job of covering Canadian music (especially Radio 3 and the new Radio 2). If the people at CBC sunday expect or are used to pre-packaged artists, who use digital enhancement and have large marketing teams then they have no idea whatsoever what is going on in Canadian music. It indicates that they are relying solely on press releases and marketing contacts for information and that they aren't actually practicing any journalism (in the sense of going out and doing their own research and finding things out for themselves.)
This wouldn't really be surprising. Canadian television does, on the whole, an incredibly poor job of covering the arts in this country. They are far more likely to cover the latest American blockbuster, the latest U2 tour, and anything that enables them to say "Hannah Montana" than they are to cover Canadian film, music, art, literature etc. They will say that this is because they have to appeal to a mainstream audience but that in itself is appalling. The 'mainstream' as it is called, is just another niche audience and they know it. The group referred to as mainstream is, due to audience fragmentation, no larger than the gay community in Canada - it is probably not that big (9.5% of the country at the best of times.) That everything on television is intended for less than 10% of the country may help explain the current financial woes of Canada's broadcasters.
Taken all together, the bad (or lack of) arts reporting combined with the narrowness of focus, it is certainly the "misplay of the week"
Friday, April 17, 2009
Coming Up in Toronto
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Brewer's Plate Toronto
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Saturday, April 18
Better Day Gala Fundraiser 2009
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Great Bloomers Wish You A Happy Record Store Day!
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SHADOWRIBBON: performance and DVD release
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WWF CN Tower Climb woo!
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DINOSAUR BONES - Toronto @ The Legion
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TWM 39: La Casa Muerte, The Love Machine, Whale Tooth & Burn Planetarium
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Brazilian Band " fourSamba" + Maninho Costa + Special Guest Musicians
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Mother Tongue DJs
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Sunday, April 19
WL 459 - New Feelings + Flowers Of Hell + Snowblink
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HTC Listening Party @ Gather 'Round
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Canada Screens presents Advanced Screening of "ONLY"
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the piano salon
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Monday, April 20
Spacing spring-summer '09 release party
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Tuesday, April 21
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Earth Day Vibrations
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Wednesday, April 22
Toronto Greenhouse "Earth Day Edition"
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PWYC Weds w/ Dancefloor Refraction, Thresh, Higher Rites
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Ronley Teper's Lipliners
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Thursday, April 23
TWM Presents: The Sideshow Tragedy , Little Foot Long Foot, Blanc & White
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Friday, April 24
APRIL 24-25 Film and Screenplay Festival - NFB (150 John St.) 7pm !!
Facebook Event Page
TWM: Leonids, Chang-a-Lang, Half Baked, Cedar
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Sketch Does...Stand Up?!?
An assortment of Sketch Comics out of their element!
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KIM ANN FOXMAN of Hercules and Love Affair | DJ SET @ WRONGBAR
Facebook Event Page
Saturday, April 25
How to Launch Your Film Career?
Facebook Event Page
President Obama, faced with his first global security crisis: North Korea
Learn how to turn your breaking news story into a lucrative script
Facebook Event Page
Toronto Centre NDP Neighbourhood Clean-Up
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Favianna Rodriguez "Transformation/Agitation"
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TWM: Sandman Viper Command (CD Release), The Antiqs & Left of Zero!
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Sunday, April 26
WL 460 - THOMAS + Univox + The Skeletones Four
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Tuesday, April 28
Mountains (Thrill Jockey DRONE duo) + Doc Dunn + Ayal Senior
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Green Heroes Focus Group Session
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Wednesday, April 29
Reporting in Afghanistan
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PWYC Weds w/ Honest I's, The Ministry of the Environment & Airheart
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Ladies and Gentlemen, The Bible! by Jonathan Goldstein
A 'This Is Not A Reading Series Presentation'
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Thursday, April 30
April 30 @ The Drake: Immaculate Machine album release
Immaculate Machine, Will Currie & The Country French and The Elwins!
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No Shame: GREEN GO 'Borders' CD Release Party THURS April 30th
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indiecredit 2.0 -- raising funds for Kiva.org
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Pouch Cove Foundation Art Auction & Party
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Pouch Cove Foundation Art Auction & Party
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Art Attack Toronto
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Friday, May 1
TWM 40: Black Diamond Bay (CD Release), Make Your Exit, the Dress Whites!
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Kollage/The Rhythm Section with special guest Michael Danso
CD Release Party - A Night of Great Jazz!
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Friday Night Magic - May 1st
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Saturday, May 2
No Shame: GREAT BLOOMERS 'Speak Of Trouble' CD Release Party MAY 2ND
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Karmageddon Two
LOVE!... It's in us to give
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An Evening of Conversation with Carlo Petrini
Founder of the Slow Food Movement and author of Slow Food Nation
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Sunday, May 3
Paula Poundstone in Toronto
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WL 461: Josh Reichmann Oracle Band, Cursed Arrows, Stop Time
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Tuesday, May 5
THE BALCONIES Play Bookie's New Music Night May 5th @ The Horseshoe
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Thursday, May 7
50 Artists, 50 Photos
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Friday, May 8
FAITHDOWN live @ Hard Rock Cafe- Club 279, Toronto
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Saturday, May 9
LIVE @ The Brunswick House with Faith Of A Martyr
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Sunday, May 10
Commedia Dell'Arte Workshop
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WL 462: METZ, Little Girls, Pacific Trash Vortex
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Wednesday, May 13
Battala Rockstars Toronto kick off show
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Saturday, May 16
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Sunday, May 17
WL 463: Katie Stelmanis, Emma McKenna, Braids, Diamond Rings
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Tuesday, May 19
Toronto Launch of The Peep Diaries
Hal's Multimedia Presentation on How We're Learning to Love Watching Ourselves and Our Neighbors
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Saturday, May 23
celebrating the 1st anniversary of the Toronto J-Film Pow-Wow blog
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Friday, May 29
A night of live dance & music at LULA
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Saturday, May 30
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Swingin' at the Dominion
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Sunday, May 31
WL 465: Dwight Schenk, Bent by Elephants, The Max Woolaver Band
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Friday, June 5
Circus O Burlesque A Mania Insania 3
Facebook Event Page
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Explosive growth in Internet Radio and Digital Media
For example:
Own a portable MP3 player age 12+: 2008 37% 2009 42%
Have listened to a podcast age 12+: 2008 18% 2009 22%
Online Radio Listeners age 12 +: 2008 13% 2009 17%
Online Radio Listeners age 25-54: 2008 15% 2009 20%
That means that (in the U.S.) the estimated internet radio audience has gone from 33 million to 42 million in one year. Once again Viva Radio 3!
You can see the full study here.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Canwest's Ship Starts to Sink
"Canwest has another debt deadline looming Tuesday, by which time it must pay $30.4 million (U.S.) in interest to holders of its 8 per cent senior subordinated notes. The payment was originally due March 15, but the company missed it.Canada still needs a voice of it's own, and a uniting force for the country. A fully funded CBC is the only way to insure that we have that.
If it doesn't pay Tuesday, the investors can demand the repayment of about $761 million of outstanding principal on the notes. This could further exacerbate the crisis facing the company...
While critical, the looming interest payment is only the tip of the iceberg for Winnipeg, Manitoba-based Canwest, which has a debtload of about $3.7 billion (Canadian), some of it dating back to its 2000 acquisition of newspaper assets from Hollinger International."
Plan B for the CBC
and refusing to provide additional funds to the CBC while, at the same time contemplating a bailout of private broadcasters
So it appears that things need to be done backward. Since the Government will not fully fund the CBC this new Facebook group will urge Canadian and international companies to shift ALL of their television advertising dollars to CBC television and away from the private broadcasters.
Please join and tell a friend (or 100)!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Movie Debate - An Open Thread
What's your current Favourite Canadian Movie? Any particular reason(s)? Got more than one?
Surprise! Canadians are Interested in Canada
With Michael McGowan's film 'One Week' continuing to pick up steam (largely through word of mouth) even Variety has noticed this trend.
"The pic features such Canadiana as the Stanley Cup, Tim Horton's coffee, a cameo by Gord Downie from popular Canuck rock band the Tragically Hip and pit stops at some of the country's cheesier tourist attractions, including the world's largest nickel in Sudbury, Ontario, and the dinosaur provincial park in Alberta.This can only be seen as good news for Canada and the Canadian cultural community as any claim by broadcasters or production companies (especially when applying for grants and credits) that Canadians are not interested in Canadian stories is clearly not true and after centuries of neglect there are plenty of stories to tell.
"It references things that are dear to us and has a nostalgia for landmarks that we love," says Charlotte Mickie, exec VP from E1 Entertainment, the company selling the pic internationally."
Friday, April 10, 2009
Coming Up in Toronto
The Hard Rock Cafe Rockin' for Sick Kids...
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mission 70: fps vs. lee's palace 04.10.09
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TWM 38: Azeda Booth, Braxton Clover, Sound & Structure
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Golden Ghetto@ The Hideout
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Saturday, April 11
Wavelength & Images Festival present: CLOUD EYE CONTROL + AMMO FACTORY
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spread the laughter
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TWM Presents: Your Volunteer (CD Release), Racoon Wedding & Rep By Pop!
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The Ugly Bug Band Plays The Local!
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Retro Bash/EBM Party
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Sunday, April 12
Sideshow Classes at Sunnyside tattoos
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WL 458 - Olenka & The Autumn Lovers + The Thing Is + Tight Ship
Wavelength 458
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TWM: The Bronzed Chorus, The Cast, Sleep for the Nightlife &
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Tuesday, April 14
Circus Mini at Mitzis Sister- Open Mic Night 2
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DD/MM/YYYY Perform at Soundscapes
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Recession Therapy
come out for the experience
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Wednesday, April 15
PWYC: Shotgun Wedding Band,Wilderness of Manitoba & Magnificent Sevens
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Thursday, April 16
B'MO Crazy's Album Release w/ NinjaFunk Orchestra,Sounds Like BS, HushMoney
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Friday, April 17
iLunch 7.04
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Brewer's Plate Toronto
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Saturday, April 18
Better Day Gala Fundraiser 2009
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WWF CN Tower Climb woo!
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DINOSAUR BONES - Toronto @ The Legion
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TWM 39: La Casa Muerte, The Love Machine, Whale Tooth & Burn Planetarium
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Brazilian Band " fourSamba" + Maninho Costa + Special Guest Musicians
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Sunday, April 19
WL 459 - New Feelings + Flowers Of Hell + Snowblink
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HTC Listening Party @ Gather 'Round
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Monday, April 20
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Tuesday, April 21
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Wednesday, April 22
Toronto Greenhouse "Earth Day Edition"
Facebook Event Page
PWYC Weds w/ Dancefloor Refraction, Thresh, Higher Rites
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Thursday, April 23
TWM Presents: The Sideshow Tragedy , Little Foot Long Foot, Blanc & White
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Friday, April 24
APRIL 24-25 Film and Screenplay Festival - NFB (150 John St.) 7pm !!
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TWM: Leonids, Chang-a-Lang, Half Baked, Cedar
Facebook Event Page
Saturday, April 25
How to Launch Your Film Career?
Facebook Event Page
President Obama, faced with his first global security crisis: North Korea
Learn how to turn your breaking news story into a lucrative script
Facebook Event Page
Toronto Centre NDP Neighbourhood Clean-Up
Facebook Event Page
Favianna Rodriguez "Transformation/Agitation"
Facebook Event Page
Sunday, April 26
WL 460 - THOMAS + Univox + The Skeletones Four
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Tuesday, April 28
Mountains (Thrill Jockey DRONE duo) + Doc Dunn + Ayal Senior
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Wednesday, April 29
Reporting in Afghanistan
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Thursday, April 30
No Shame: GREEN GO 'Borders' CD Release Party THURS April 30th
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indiecredit 2.0 -- raising funds for Kiva.org
Facebook Event Page
Pouch Cove Foundation Art Auction & Party
Facebook Event Page
Friday, May 1
Kollage/The Rhythm Section with special guest Michael Danso
CD Release Party - A Night of Great Jazz!
Facebook Event Page
Saturday, May 2
No Shame: GREAT BLOOMERS 'Speak Of Trouble' CD Release Party MAY 2ND
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Sunday, May 3
Paula Poundstone in Toronto
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Thursday, May 7
50 Artists, 50 Photos
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Friday, May 8
FAITHDOWN live @ Hard Rock Cafe- Club 279, Toronto
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Saturday, May 9
LIVE @ The Brunswick House with Faith Of A Martyr
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Sunday, May 10
Commedia Dell'Arte Workshop
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Wednesday, May 13
Battala Rockstars Toronto kick off show
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Saturday, May 16
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Friday, June 5
Circus O Burlesque A Mania Insania 3
Facebook Event Page
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Jian and the Burn Out
Jian if you ever need suggestions I can give you 100 bands who will do the show, answer any questions you may have about their current or previous jobs (waiting tables etc) and will actually perform with their bands. If you happen to be going to see the boxmasters in Toronto, Montreal or London please throw things, they like that (preferably at them, try mashed potatoes and gravy.)
Do Canada's Private Broadcasters Need a Can of Whoop-Ass?
The CBC is Canada's national public broadcaster. It is owned by and paid for by Canadians. Why would any government even contemplate give taxpayers money to private corporations but fail to help the broadcaster owned by those taxpayers? It may not make any sense but it is apparently being contemplated. The government has not actually said, at this point, that the bailout wouldn't include the CBC, they just haven't indicated that it does include the CBC either.
What is truly appalling though is that the private broadcasters, according to the Canadian press, are vigorously lobbying the government not to include the CBC in the plan. That means that private companies are telling our government that they are more deserving of Canadians tax dollars than the public company we own. I would strongly urge the private broadcasters to start lobbying hard in the opposite direction.
If there is a bailout for private broadcasters that does not include help for the CBC I will once again rally supporters of the CBC and start a campaign aimed at the private networks advertisers: A letter writing / email campaign urging those advertisers to abandon the private broadcasters (and all of their associated properties) and shift their ad dollars to the CBC. I won't even urge people to boycott the private networks, people are not the customers of commercial TV, advertisers are their customers so I'll simply urge people to watch the privates and boycott the products advertised on them.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Associated Press Declares Itself Obsolete
"Taking aim at the way news is spread across the Internet, The Associated Press said on Monday that Web sites that used the work of news organizations must obtain permission and share revenue with them, and that it would take legal action against those that did not.Asking for compensation from people who copy their articles in whole is fair and reasonable but going after those who link to articles, or who quote them and link to them shows a complete lack of understanding of how the internet and the modern information economy works. It is a policy that essentially says that if you do free advertising for them, they will sue you. Perhaps when visited by the AP's lawyers Google should ask for compensation from the AP for all the publicity they have been getting?
A.P. executives said they were concerned about a variety of news forums around the Web, including major search engines like Google and Yahoo and aggregators like the Drudge Report that link to news articles, smaller sites that sometimes reproduce articles whole, and companies that sell packaged news feeds.
They said they did not want to stop the appearance of articles around the Web, but to exercise some control over the practice and to profit from it."
In the interim, until the Associated Press figures this out or goes out of business you might want to find another news source to link to online.
If God's On Your Side
cross posted from NxEW
Monday, April 06, 2009
The CBC is Cool Again in Rural Ontario
In Sudbury hundreds rallied on Sunday including many young people (not the CBC's core audience in recent years. From the Sudbury Star:
"On Sunday, however, scores of teenagers and young adults, such as Holson, represented one of the largest demographics in a boisterous rally at Sudbury city hall, where more than 400 people demanded a reversal of proposed cuts to CBC Radio service in Northern Ontario.Sudbury, as far as I know, is the only place with street protests but the editorials are turning against the conservatives in places like Guelph
"Half the people I hang out with are in bands and in the arts and they're connected to and supported by the CBC," Holson said during the rally at Tom Davies Square.
"CBC is the voice for a lot of Northern Ontario," he said. "And it's extremely important to keep local news intact in Sudbury and the rest of Northern Ontario, because (private) radio stations don't cut it."
"Over the past 25 or 30 years, so many public institutions have been forced to conform to a business model: public art galleries, universities, school boards, municipal governments, hospitals, and the CBC. But these institutions are not businesses. They are essential social entities, things we collectively need for our sense of identity, for our health, for our knowledge, for our life.and Brantford
We pay for these things through our taxes. We have a right to expect they will be available to us when we need them. And we have a right to expect governments will rescue them when they falter."
"The Canadian wing of the Fox News crowd can't wait for the demise of the CBC. These folks prefer to focus on pure cost and ignore all value that comes from a well-funded, truly national, public broadcaster. The Foxes really want control of news and commentary to pass from the professional editors and their staffs to the purveyors of advertising revenue. No thanks, Mr Gutfeld.The Conservatives, if they are going to have any chance in this country are going to have to get used to the idea that arts and culture are important to Canadians, that we value them and believe in government subsidies for them and that the CBC is an important part of the Arts and Culture spectrum in this country.
So if you were, in fact, having too good a day and counting on another rant against the CBC, you're probably disappointed. On the other hand, if you were looking to hook up with fellow supporters of public broadcasting, try the website www.friends.ca. These folks are pretty serious and well organized. Good luck to them. The sheer size, geography and history of our great country makes nation-building a complex and challenging enterprise. CBC/Radio Canada with committed long-term funding is the best vehicle we have to do this, warts and all."
Sunday, April 05, 2009
CD Review: Peter Project - The Peter Project LP
This recent release by the Toronto-based DJ features electronic sounds with a hip-hop influence. Peter Project himself refers to it as "electro 60s a go-go." The album has many creative mixes, as well as a broad range of samples from obscure films, television shows and children's recordings. The artist, who's also known as Peter Chapman (The Midways), has certainly created a unique fuse of music and technology.
Those who love the album will celebrate Peter Project's ability to take random sounds and turn them into tracks that blend together flawlessly. They will enjoy the movement-inducing songs, which follow in the footsteps of DJ Shadow and Kid Koala.
Those who dislike the album will point to its lack of musical originality. They will describe Peter Project as someone who simply takes the work of musicians and uses an industrial-inspired machine to create new variations. These people might even go as far as to define each track as an exhibition of sound, rather than an actual song.
In all fairness, the album does have original aspects. This comes in the form of rhymes by hip-hop artists More or Les, The World Burglar, Masia One and Zaki Ibrahim; all of whom make guest appearances on the album.
Out of all the tracks, the strongest one is called "Two Cups." It has a pleasant blend of beats and synthesized notes, as well as a hypnotic Sesame Street-esque vocal track that is repeated over and over.
An artist like Peter Project will always stir debate. However, any argument has no relation to the actual presentation. The Peter Project LP is energetic and full of ingenuity.
For more information on Peter Project, please visit www.myspace.com/peterproject